Friday 5 February 2010

2.2 Performance - Developing Skills

~Notes~ (Job Roles, Important Terms etc)

*Stage Manager - manages the back stage areas and oversees the stage crew
*Stage Crew - works back stage setting up all the scenery and other equipment
*Set Designer - designs the scenic elements of the show
*Marketing Director - manages publicity for show
*Sound Technician - responsible for making sure live sound works right and in time etc
*Front of House Manager - manages staff working in public areas e.g box office, bar staff
*Scenic Construction - using elements such as painting the make the actual set etc

My Role: Set designer (With Suma)
[Aim: Understand what is expected in my role and consider my duties, main responsibilities, skills needed for the role, and importance etc my role plays]

-Devising - process of creating a new piece of theatre as a group of performers
-Off Book - being able to perform a piece from memory without script
-Read Through - first rehearsal of play where actors get together and read through script
-Stagger Through - first time section of play is tried out from start to end
-Blocking - process of deciding how actors positioned and move on stage

*Structure of Rehearsal:*
-Warm up
-Review of work already undertaken
-Working on sections of the piece
-Fitting sections together
-Discussing to review work and agree actions for next rehearsal

*Production Preparations:*
-Making sets
-Designing costumes
-Making costumes
-Designing sets
-Supporting performers during rehearsal
-Gathering required equipment

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