Monday 8 February 2010

2.2 Performance - Character Development & Build Up

My character is a very high class, educated, and professional woman at first glance. However don't be fooled so easily. This is a situation where the phrase 'Don't judge a book by it's cover' fits almost too perfectly. The audience soon discover that her inner personality, attitude and behaviour is the complete antithesis of her appearance and the impression she gives off when she first emerges in the scene. As soon as she sits at the restaurant table and the waiter hands her the menu, she creates a huge fuss over what to order; shouting and bashing the table, her indecisiveness striking every few seconds as she changes the dish faster than you can click your fingers together. Then she carries on with her impolite bustle, rejecting the poor man's rose in the rudest way possible: stepping on it.

As soon as the food arrives, she almost jumps for the plate, and without a thought to put a napkin on or even use the basics of a knife and fork, she just drives into it, eating with her hands revoltingly; open mouthed, big chicken in one hand, gulping down her wine with the other. As if that wasn't enough, she gets bored of her plate and starts grabbing food off her partner's plate, spilling food all over the table, and leaving her partner's jaws dropped in shock at the scarring scene in front of him. When she and her belly are satisfied at last, she burps and lies back rubbing her tummy, obviously leaving the enormous bill to her partner (who hardly had a full mouthful of any of the food, including his own) and the blame of the massive mess to him also.

So when the waiter comes back they're fuming and as a punishment force the partner to clean up the mess and be waiter, while he eats the poor man's food and runs off with his woman partner, handing her that same rose the partner gave to her in the beginning, but here she accepts it and the two leave a crying man on the floor. My character left with the waiter, finding a new wallet for herself and knowing she could use him for his money, being the greedy thinking, horrible, manipulative, self centred woman she is.

Saturday 6 February 2010

2.2 Performance - Preparation Extra Notes

When I Design my Costume, I will make sure that..

*The planned designs meet the needs of the performers and performance
*I have the materials and equipment needed to realise the designs
*My idea for the designs is realistic and not over ambitious or far fetched
*I can produce the finished items within my deadlines

Friday 5 February 2010

2.2 Performance - Developing Skills

~Notes~ (Job Roles, Important Terms etc)

*Stage Manager - manages the back stage areas and oversees the stage crew
*Stage Crew - works back stage setting up all the scenery and other equipment
*Set Designer - designs the scenic elements of the show
*Marketing Director - manages publicity for show
*Sound Technician - responsible for making sure live sound works right and in time etc
*Front of House Manager - manages staff working in public areas e.g box office, bar staff
*Scenic Construction - using elements such as painting the make the actual set etc

My Role: Set designer (With Suma)
[Aim: Understand what is expected in my role and consider my duties, main responsibilities, skills needed for the role, and importance etc my role plays]

-Devising - process of creating a new piece of theatre as a group of performers
-Off Book - being able to perform a piece from memory without script
-Read Through - first rehearsal of play where actors get together and read through script
-Stagger Through - first time section of play is tried out from start to end
-Blocking - process of deciding how actors positioned and move on stage

*Structure of Rehearsal:*
-Warm up
-Review of work already undertaken
-Working on sections of the piece
-Fitting sections together
-Discussing to review work and agree actions for next rehearsal

*Production Preparations:*
-Making sets
-Designing costumes
-Making costumes
-Designing sets
-Supporting performers during rehearsal
-Gathering required equipment