Wednesday 21 July 2010

2.3 Performance - Our Mime Show

We performed at the Oscars Ceremony at our school Central Foundation Girls' School in front of the Event audiences last year (2010).

Tuesday 13 July 2010

3.4 Artefact - Story for Pot

A Struggle of Friendship - Part 1 (To Be Continued)

“Our Pot! will hold so many memories, Our Pot.” The exact words that Jaebeom and Taecyeon said the day they bought an unusual old pot home to join their families. It was a present they said from the old woman, Mrs Jung next door to stop them from arguing over a shiny Aqua blue marble they had both fought to own. Who would have thought this pot would go through so much in the future. They didn’t really argue, infact they were the exact opposites: best friends, but more like twin brothers - far more inseperable than blood could ever make anyone, since being born a few hours apart in the MyungDong Hospital. Since finding this pot, they would run about with it all day in the shops filling it with all the guilty pleasures you can think of; Gobstoppers, Rainbow Strips, Magic Stick Sherbet, Mints, Maltesers minis, you name it, and then all evening they would spend playing ‘Hide and Seek’ and ‘Grandma’s Footsteps’, devouring the precious, hidden contents of their pot on the way. It was a sweet life for these innocent angels, and so they watched each other grow, even till this day where they lay on the cracked grey pavements of Busan; one hauling his stomach, his face scrunched up in the pain, the other looking like he’d faint any second, but even through the endless agony, the ends of their mouth turned and slowly reached their smiling eyes as they reminisced about the lifetime they had spent standing by each other like SpongeBob and Patrick (‘SpongeBob Square Pants’), while a dark, fearful fluid dripped, dropped, dripped..till blackout.

Let’s Rewind a little earlier…
24th March 2009 - 2:00pm
Jaebeom and Taecyeon are picked after extensive research by a secret South Korean spy organisation called IRIS, to become professional, undercover agents and work to secure the countries safety from dangers such as terrorism. They are harshly trained with cruel methods such as shock therapy tests, to stop political assassinations and to protect South Korea from any harm, almost like invisible super heroes. However they later find that this “protecting” is all a huge façade and the company’s officials are completely corrupt, as Jaebeom is sent on an individual mission to assassinate the North Korean Politician Jun Young Joo. After hours of going over and over it so repetitively that it drives him half insane, and strong hesitation against it from Jaebeom, he is then blackmailed to give in to it, as the Director of the company blackmails him, saying he’d be abandoned at the foreign location of the assassination and framed for countless pending cases of murder if he fails to follow the exact plan. In fear of losing everything important to him in his life: his freedom, his girlfriend, Seung Li and his best friend, Taecyeon, he goes on with the plan and the mission is accomplished.

He wiped away the trickle of sweat that fell from his forehead which was as hot as a radiator about to explode, while he ran from Young Joo’s guards, a splitting pain cracking through his thighs, crawling all the way from his toes to his head. He panted repetitively, aching to stop to catch a breath..Even for a second. A combination of millions of emotions and words ran through his head, round and round; Fear, Anger, Betrayal, Revenge, Happiness for the fact that he was still alive, and Overwhelming Relief that spread over every inch of his body. He escapes through a gap he finds in a rusty metal gate which was falling apart, but the relief is short lived as dark gushes of fear flow from his waist. He looks down, panic layering his eyes, to find a bullet wound in his right hip.

Monday 12 July 2010

3.4 Artefact - Draft Self Evaluation for Clay pots (Finished and edited version to be put up after I am able to take a photograph of it!)

Self Evaluation (Draft -Unfinished First Version)

Artefact: Clay Pots
In order for us to get an idea of what kind of pot we wanted to create as our artefact, we had to carry out individual research on pots. Here we found out about various pot designs, forms, materials, colours and artists etc. This was very useful for our planning process of our pot, as it helped us decide how we wanted our pots to be and how we would design them. We also were given magazines and newspapers and told to bring in things that represent our identity e.g. maps, tube tickets to somewhere that holds a memory, childhood/ baby pictures etc. From those magazines etc, we were told to cut out things which we could use to design and stick on to or trace onto our pots. After we had completed our research and made cuttings out, we had to fill out a planning sheet for our pot where we sketched on our actual pot designs and thought about the materials and equipment which could be used etc.

In our making process we were first given a chunk of clay which we had to use to create our small pot. I decided that my pot would have handles on each side and a small lid with a tiny clay ball at the end, to hold the lid with. At the bottom of the small pot I had to make lots of clay rings of different sizes and thickness, and use water to stick them together firmly. As I glued down all the rings together, the shape of the pot started to form slowly and so it was easier to smooth down the joints of the clay rings and create a real pot shape.

Friday 25 June 2010

3.3 Artefact - Health and Safety Rules (When working with Clay)

As we were starting the Production part of our artefact, clay pots, it was crucial that we went through and discussed the healthy and safety issues of different situations we may be put in when using materials such as clay or equipment such as cutting knives etc, and also understand the importance of following the rules and why the rules were there in the first place.

Thursday 29 April 2010

3.1 Artefact - Storyboard of the Making of my Clay Pot/ How to make a Clay Pot Instructions

I have created a very detailed 'How To' to show others how to create a clay pot from scratch, and the best techniques to use when making a clay pot, as well as how to make sure your pot stays intact (not dried out etc), and why cetain techniques or methods are used in the process of making this artefact. a helpful step-to-step guide for people who are inteested in this craft. My big steps, are also broken down into smaller steps to make it even easier for the audience, and labelled diagrams are used to also guide people.

Sunday 25 April 2010

3.1 Artefact - Investigating Artefacts Worksheet

A worksheet about what an artefact is, why they are created, the processes of producing an artefact, the stages of creating and planning an artefact etc. This gives us a broader understanding of the purpose of our artefact and what is expected of our artefact etc.

Friday 23 April 2010

3.1 Artefact - Types Of Clay

Before we could begin making our clay pots by hand, we first had to learn about the different types of clay available, e.g. Fire Clays, Stoneware Clays, Ball Clays, Earthenware Clays, Porcelain Clays etc. Here we learnt how those clays worked to be molded just how you wanted and needed it to, to succeed maximum elasticity, strength, durability and hardness. We found out what sorts of temperatures they had to be placed in the kiln, and be heated at, as well as what clays were suitable for what uses, the characteristics of different clays, and the various classes they were seperated into.

Wednesday 21 April 2010

3.1.1a Artefact - Today's Artefacts Worksheet

We had to look at ordinary artefacts that we use or see daily, and reserach deeper into hand made / man made artefacts and machine made artefacts, as well as expressing our opinion on what type of artefact we preffered: hand made/ man made, or machine made.

Monday 19 April 2010

3.1 Artefact - Comparing two Types of Pots

A simple Ven diagram expressing the similarities and differences of both pots on the page. This helped us think fo the features we wanted on our pot, as well as helping us plan the shape, form, style, colour, patterns etc of our clay pot.

Saturday 17 April 2010

3.1.1 Artefact - Go Back In Time Worksheet 1 - Processes & Planning of How to Produce Artefacts

This sheet was used to help us when planning the production of our artefact. We had to plan the creation and production of an ordinary object we use daily, and show all the steps leading to the production of it, including a list of all the materials and equipment used, health and safety meaures etc. We learnt a little here about the Industrial Revolution, and researched about how the production and purpose of artefacts we use daily, have changed over large periods of time etc.

Saturday 27 March 2010

2.3 Performance - Technical Cues



- 'Wind Sound'

- All the girls are in a line. ‘shatter sound’ after 3rd hit with the log on the mime wall


PAIR 1:(Abigail and Siddiquea) [SPOTLIGHT]
- Outside Noises – e.g. cricket, frogs,

PAIR 2:(Sabrina and Humaira) [SPOTLIGHT]
- Customer service announcement (record) – “Sale now on in women’s wear. Thanks for shopping at Sell Fishes.”
- Casual/elevator music.
PAIR 3:(Suma and Moushomi) [SPOTLIGHT]
- elevator music
PAIR 4: (Renee and Alberta) [SPOTLIGHT]
-Spooky Horror Sounds, wolves howling, zombies, etc.

Groups Finished Whole Group Come Together For The Bus Performance Starts.
SONG: ‘Double Dutch Bus’ by Frankie Smith
-Bus comes along and the 'funky bus song' plays at this time, while the girls are dancing to it.


SCHOOL BELL – ‘Double Dutch’ song fades out and SCHOOL BELL RINGS

Abigail alone on stage. In the background 'We Don't Need No Education' is played.


Scene ends when Abigail pushes all chairs off stage.


SONG: ‘Double Dutch Bus’ by Frankie Smith



In the dark a popular Victoria Beckham song plays

[Alternate lights on Renee and Siddiquea – strobe lights for camera effects]
'fan's screaming' and cheering

[Lights go out – then up on Sabrina (Victoria Beckham) ]

Lights go out.

Whole stage lights up. (Football commentator sound)

When Renee and siddiquea tip toe ‘pink panther theme’

Police Siren when they are arrested

Scene ends


[disco light effect]

CURTAIN CALL: ‘Let Me Think About It’ by The Singles

- I contributed here by watching the rehearsal and making the changes to the scene music, lighting and effects each time we decided to do something differently, take a part out, or put something in, so we could tweak it to be the best that we could make it. An example of this was when we thought that there was too little time to create and fix up a whole new solo scene for Abisola so we had it taken out instead so we could focus on perfecting the other scenes.

Sunday 21 March 2010

2.3 Performance - Report - Rehearsal

Our class had a technical rehearsal in the David Sharp today where we had 2 or 3 quick run throughs of our full mime performance from start to finish. Meanwhile our teacher Mr McIntosh chose what lights to put up at the right times, where to direct them exactly, what colour lighting we could use, and made a timing order of the sound and lighting. This gave us a clear understanding of where exactly we had space to perform. We were able to practice it and tweak it to see what parts did not match or needed changing, for example the beginning part after Abisola mimed a wall being between her and the audience, we decided that instead of us all moving forward altogether to help push the wall, we would send Abigail and Renee to move forward after Abisola, then they would motion with their hands for the rest of the class to come forward and help. We changed our original idea to this as the first idea of us moving altogether looked messy because people stepped forward at different times and as we have a very active class, it was hard to get the timing right. Nonetheless the second idea looked much better than the first and was less boring also. We had to create a list of the sounds and timings of the lighting, when it appeared to hand to the Sound and Light Technicians, Tangina and Tiyonne, so they could work with Mr McIntosh to fix it for us for the day of the performance. We decided to cut out dances such as the end ‘Candy’ dance so that it could be shortened, less complicated and allow us to focus on the main parts of the show: our group and pair performances.

Friday 19 March 2010

2.3 Performance - Report - Pair Meeting

Shapla and I came together at the beginning of our technical rehearsal to fix up our Mime Performance, as we’d been unable to tweak it earlier due to various different reasons such as absences etc. We cleaned it up and decided on what sound effects or background music we could use for it. We both contributed as when we realised our old performance –Weight’s one would fail, we decided to come up with another concept and object. We fixed with Shapla’s idea of blowing bubbles in the scene and combined it with my idea of a box with various strange objects in it. We then put it all together and I came up with the idea of using a bubbles popping sound effect when her character pops all the bubbles I make, as well as other sounds. Also we want to use funny/speedy background music.

Thursday 18 March 2010

2.3 Performance - Report - Group Meeting

In our rehearsal today, the group; Humaira, Suma and I delegated out the responsibility of the various sound effects and music. We decided that Suma would record the baby crying sound and get the sound of a tyre screeching. Humaira would get the Piano Music playing at the background and record a sound effect where she shouts ‘Wow’ at the yummy food, as well as getting a ‘crash’ sound. I would record the sound of pots clanking together and get a ‘Mwahahahahaha’ Evil laugh sound, as well as bringing a speeded up, squeaky chipmunk voice yelling for when Humaira’s character shouts at Suma’s character for not paying the bill. We also gave a list of our sound effects to Tangina, the sound technician to know what sounds go where in our scene. We all contributed by volunteering for which parts we would bring in for our performance.

Monday 15 March 2010

2.3 Performance - Group Performance

~List of Sound Effects being used for Mime Act~ (& Order of Use)

1) When Humaira comes in and sees the food all messed on the table and she thinks Suma ate it all, when it was actually me (Rubina), insert sound of Tyre screeching with Humaira's jaws dropped.

2)When Suma & I enter the restaurant and sit there on the table, we could use a simple Piano playing in the background.

3)When Humaira spills the drink/ water on my side of the table, the piano song is interrupted by the sound of Pots Clanking and Crashing.

4)When Suma cries on the floor, insert the sound of a Baby Crying 'Waaa'.

5)When Humaira shouts at Suma to do the 'Waiter' job instead of her doing it, we have the sound of a Speeded up Voice (Squeaky Chipmunk Shouting) or the sound of Japanese People Shouting Loud.

Saturday 13 March 2010

2.3 Performance - Health and Safety in Theatres


Theatres are very cramped places during a production so there is a high risk of accidents, especially those linked to fire hazards as there are never enough fire exits, and when there are exits, they are either blocked, locked, unlabelled or just used as storage areas.. So here are a few tips to stay safe yourself and keep your group members safe at the same time, while rehearsing or performing etc.

-Before the start of any production, you must be aware of all the fire exit placings and your company/ school's safety procedures clearly, so in case of any accidents, you can always locate an escape route.

-It is also a good idea if your props are flame proof, and also any curtains or scenery used, to prevent anything being destroyed, and you having to remake them.

-There needs to be a person appointed to leading everyone and taking control of the production and all the workers/ employees, as well as everything happening in rehearsal etc as if there's no order, the whole production would be a mess and the employees would be confused and all over the place and everyone could be a danger to each other by running about etc.

-The different levels of a stage, orchestra pit, seating area, balconies, stairs etc are also seen as risks as they can be easily mistaken or forgotten. You could fall or slip over or be hit by items dropped from a higher level, so you always need to look out when you walk around.

-The catwalk is where lighting is fitted and fixed and most of the time it is poorly lit and without rails. This can be introduce unwanted accidents such as scaffolds etc, so take extra care when on the catwalk area.

-Their is a danger and potential for electrical hazards because of high power used by many lights as lighting is all fixed by computers. Electrical and lighting equipment can spark fires, so it needs extra caution when using those equipment.

Monday 8 February 2010

2.2 Performance - Character Development & Build Up

My character is a very high class, educated, and professional woman at first glance. However don't be fooled so easily. This is a situation where the phrase 'Don't judge a book by it's cover' fits almost too perfectly. The audience soon discover that her inner personality, attitude and behaviour is the complete antithesis of her appearance and the impression she gives off when she first emerges in the scene. As soon as she sits at the restaurant table and the waiter hands her the menu, she creates a huge fuss over what to order; shouting and bashing the table, her indecisiveness striking every few seconds as she changes the dish faster than you can click your fingers together. Then she carries on with her impolite bustle, rejecting the poor man's rose in the rudest way possible: stepping on it.

As soon as the food arrives, she almost jumps for the plate, and without a thought to put a napkin on or even use the basics of a knife and fork, she just drives into it, eating with her hands revoltingly; open mouthed, big chicken in one hand, gulping down her wine with the other. As if that wasn't enough, she gets bored of her plate and starts grabbing food off her partner's plate, spilling food all over the table, and leaving her partner's jaws dropped in shock at the scarring scene in front of him. When she and her belly are satisfied at last, she burps and lies back rubbing her tummy, obviously leaving the enormous bill to her partner (who hardly had a full mouthful of any of the food, including his own) and the blame of the massive mess to him also.

So when the waiter comes back they're fuming and as a punishment force the partner to clean up the mess and be waiter, while he eats the poor man's food and runs off with his woman partner, handing her that same rose the partner gave to her in the beginning, but here she accepts it and the two leave a crying man on the floor. My character left with the waiter, finding a new wallet for herself and knowing she could use him for his money, being the greedy thinking, horrible, manipulative, self centred woman she is.

Saturday 6 February 2010

2.2 Performance - Preparation Extra Notes

When I Design my Costume, I will make sure that..

*The planned designs meet the needs of the performers and performance
*I have the materials and equipment needed to realise the designs
*My idea for the designs is realistic and not over ambitious or far fetched
*I can produce the finished items within my deadlines

Friday 5 February 2010

2.2 Performance - Developing Skills

~Notes~ (Job Roles, Important Terms etc)

*Stage Manager - manages the back stage areas and oversees the stage crew
*Stage Crew - works back stage setting up all the scenery and other equipment
*Set Designer - designs the scenic elements of the show
*Marketing Director - manages publicity for show
*Sound Technician - responsible for making sure live sound works right and in time etc
*Front of House Manager - manages staff working in public areas e.g box office, bar staff
*Scenic Construction - using elements such as painting the make the actual set etc

My Role: Set designer (With Suma)
[Aim: Understand what is expected in my role and consider my duties, main responsibilities, skills needed for the role, and importance etc my role plays]

-Devising - process of creating a new piece of theatre as a group of performers
-Off Book - being able to perform a piece from memory without script
-Read Through - first rehearsal of play where actors get together and read through script
-Stagger Through - first time section of play is tried out from start to end
-Blocking - process of deciding how actors positioned and move on stage

*Structure of Rehearsal:*
-Warm up
-Review of work already undertaken
-Working on sections of the piece
-Fitting sections together
-Discussing to review work and agree actions for next rehearsal

*Production Preparations:*
-Making sets
-Designing costumes
-Making costumes
-Designing sets
-Supporting performers during rehearsal
-Gathering required equipment

Monday 11 January 2010

2.1 Performance - Drama (Mime) Factors

~Notes On The Factors Which Change(d) Drama~ [Part 1 -For Mime Power Point]

.//~ (Special Effects) A wooden winch with a rope was used to lower a 'god' on his creaking throne'. He would appear through a trapdoor in the painted ceiling of the roof. Nowadays, you can use advanced computer technology or C.G.I effects to make it appear like the person is flying etc. You can also use transparent strings to move the actor/ actress around wherever and however you want them to.
.//~ Before stages were lighted by candles, as there was no electricity and lights, lamps, torches etc were not invented yet. Today we have all sorts and every kind of lighting and stage equipment you can think. Even going as far as to being able to chose where you would like the light to go off, and where you want it to be dark without any light on a particular part of the stage, if you are trying to grab attention on one side of the stage and not the other, through of e.g. Strome lights, Spot lights etc.
.//~ (Special Effects) "A swordsman might thrust his weapon into a hidden pig's or any other animal's guts to use for blood. Today, the most well known film directors, show performers etc have the choice of using fake materials such as Tomato Ketchup, Food Colouring, and many other artificial substances, as well as countless C.G.I effects & graphics to create the illusion of Blood.

*Development/ History
.//~ 'Theatre' comes from the Greek word 'Seeing Place'
.//~ In each town, there was a competition between groups of workers in crafts guilds to present the best play. The plays often fitted their trade e.g The Baker's guild acted out 'The Last Supper' etc. The theme most commonly would be either Tragedy or Comedy as dramas of the time were mainly around these ideas.