Thursday 12 November 2009

1.3 Scene - Developing A Critical Response

~Preparation Notes~

*Informal review -a friend telling her/his opinion about something
*Formal review -in newspapers, magazines, T.V or radio programmes, and websites with published reviews
*Review -a view or opinion on the work of others, sometimes including a rating or comparison to other similar works
*Constructive criticism -expressing opinions and making judgements or suggestions about how things can be improved
*Justify your opinions by giving specific examples to convince the reader that your opinion is valuable, rather than simply and vaguely stating 'It was all good'.

*Further Preparation For Reviewing*
>Time >Research >Equipment >Organisation
-Make Notes While Watching Performance or Listening Immediately Before Forgetting Ideas-

*Structuring Your Response*
-Introduction -tell us who characters are, background info on show & company etc
-Synopsis -summary of what the show is about 5 W's
-Opinion -express own view with good examples -what was good and why? -What was bad and why?
-Rating and recommendation

*Gaffer = in charge of lighting etc
* Gaffer definition no. 2 = starting at the bottom of a job and working your way up to a really well paid good job

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