Saturday 14 November 2009

1.3 Scene - Niraj Chag Review [Extract]

Music Video Review (Part):

Niraj Chag is a very talented and ambitious man, who has achieved tremendously , given that he has never had any training and was kicked out of his college and university courses, just because of the fact that he couldn't read or write music. Despite the hold backs and obstacles in his early life, he managed to press on with his determined mindset and incredible will and goal to create his own company, which today he and his brother own.

1.3/2.1 Scene/Performance - Example of Review for Film and Music Video Review

My Chemical Romance: The Black Parade (Album Review) They're back, in black, but not as you know them

Confused? Readers, the confusion hasn't even started. 'The Black Parade' is an ostentatious concept-album-cum-rock-opera about death, and it's about to turn the late MCR into the biggest band on the planet. The most obvious reference point is Green Day's 'American Idiot', not just because both projects share a record label, producer, video director and an A&R department, but because it's a piece of work that will challenge every preconception you ever had about the people who made it.

To recap, My Chemical Romance's previous two albums have been one long horror story; 'I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love' and 'Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge' tells the story of two criminal 'demolition lovers' who are gunned down in the desert after their hometown is overrun by vampires. Then the boy makes a deal with Satan for the lives of him and his lover Helena in exchange for the souls of a thousand evil men. 'A meditation,' says Gerard Way, 'on immortality. And this [new album] is a meditation on mortality.'

'The Black Parade' unfolds in the physical realm; with no eternal zombie afterlife to cushion things when the day comes. Our story begins in the cancer ward (nice), with the tragic, young death of our protagonist, an average Joe known simply as The Patient. And so the first song (after the introduction, called 'The End') is called 'Dead!' the pre-title sequence, if you will. And straightaway, we're on brave new ground musically as well 'a crisp, vast, and fiercely melodic kind of stadium punk that is barely emo in the slightest. Actually, its closest parallel is 'Holiday' from 'American Idiot'. But by getting that out of the way first, they then divert from their Green Day mentors, blasting into power-duo tracks 'This Is How I Disappear' and 'The Sharpest Lives', both showing off this band's new richness of depth and texture in glorious 3D-technicolour. As The Patient enters the tunnel of light we hit critical mass with 'Welcome To The Black Parade' and things begin to unfold. Gerard apparently believes that when the reaper comes, it comes in the form of your life's most vivid memory. Now, the point is that The Patient died before he got the chance to really achieve anything, so his most vivid memory is as a child, when his father took him to the city to see a marching band. And the rest of the album soundtracks The Patient's life flashing before his eyes, and it turns out to be a lot more colourful and varied a flashback than he was expecting. And this is where 'The Black Parade's genius reveals itself. MCR have moved so far from the emo sound you know, that they've even renamed their band for this album. Under their new guise of The Black Parade, the group have the freedom to adopt whatever clothes, styles or ideas are necessary to tell each chapter. If there is an overarching style it is of all things musical theatre.

The first truly staggering moment is 'I Don't Love You' (this album's 'Boulevard Of Broken Dreams'), which sounds like Keane would if they had any edge and loads of big rock guitars. 'House Of Wolves', debuted at Reading, is the least startling, mainly because it pre-empts 'Cancer', the song most likely to get the newspapers' backs up. A short bridging sequence, it's their first ever stab at total, pin-drop sensitivity. Just Gerard and a piano, it's a first-person account of death from cancer that packs an emotional punch so devastating and graphic that you could never call it rock'n'roll ' isn't that meant to be fun? But MCR want to surpass rock'n'roll: it pushes the boundaries of taste about as far as they'll go, but a daily listen is going to be just an effective way of making people stop smoking as the Allen Carr book. The mood then lightens with 'Mama', a vaudeville riot that manages to out-Gogol Bordello Gogol Bordello, made even more overwhelming thanks to Liza Minelli's showstopping cameo as Mama herself. If things are getting a little too theatrical, then 'Sleep' gives us the big body-builder Tool moment and punches their heavy metal card; if only once, because next they have to reinvent Status Quo as Roxy Music on 'Teenagers'; another amazing boxfresh MTV smash. 'Disenchanted' is the calm scene gearing up for a preposterous finale; which comes with 'Famous Last Words', where The Black Parade revert back to My Chemical Romance, stepping back into narrator mode, both moral of the story and cinematic climax to this remarkable journey, and a distillation of what they do best; an earnest, impassioned, and hard-fucking-rock anthem which sees them finally become 'the saviour of the broken, the beaten and the damned'. It's about making the most of every moment because after all, you never know when the parade (or whatever you'll see), will come to you. Pure Hollywood melodrama, but if you find the climactic refrain of 'I am not afraid to keep on living, I am not afraid to walk this world alone' cheesy, you're going to have given up sometime around track three anyway. For everyone else, it's proper, er, lump-in-throat time.

There's one little surprise left, but we laughed so hard that we won't spoil it for you, except to say that it once and for all disproves the accusation that this band are somehow humourless, as if the album hadn't done that anyway. 'The Black Parade' understands that real tragedy is inherently a bit funny, and vice versa, and it's that fact which sees them leave the jibbering bodies of a thousand emo jessies in their wake. The truth is they left that baggage behind long ago. If there's any parallel it's with somebody like Billy Corgan; not just because of the eerie similarity of Gerard's new hairdo, or even the marching band thing, but because both people have bigger imaginations than punk rock usually allows. But having been through their problems with drugs and psychosis already, MCR just seem too much of a finely-tuned juggernaut to fuck things up like the Pumpkins. This album has given them the freedom to do anything they want next, but for now this is one to file alongside 'American Idiot', 'Doolittle' and 'Nevermind' on your greatest US rock albums shelf. Oh yes, My Chemical Romance ' the moderately camp two-trick outsider's cult you thought you knew ' are dead alright. Long live My Chemical Romance, the outrageously-camp, loud and righteous new kings of the world. Those bottle-chucking haters are just going to have to get used to it.

Dan Martin

Thursday 12 November 2009

1.3 Scene - Developing A Critical Response

~Preparation Notes~

*Informal review -a friend telling her/his opinion about something
*Formal review -in newspapers, magazines, T.V or radio programmes, and websites with published reviews
*Review -a view or opinion on the work of others, sometimes including a rating or comparison to other similar works
*Constructive criticism -expressing opinions and making judgements or suggestions about how things can be improved
*Justify your opinions by giving specific examples to convince the reader that your opinion is valuable, rather than simply and vaguely stating 'It was all good'.

*Further Preparation For Reviewing*
>Time >Research >Equipment >Organisation
-Make Notes While Watching Performance or Listening Immediately Before Forgetting Ideas-

*Structuring Your Response*
-Introduction -tell us who characters are, background info on show & company etc
-Synopsis -summary of what the show is about 5 W's
-Opinion -express own view with good examples -what was good and why? -What was bad and why?
-Rating and recommendation

*Gaffer = in charge of lighting etc
* Gaffer definition no. 2 = starting at the bottom of a job and working your way up to a really well paid good job

Friday 16 October 2009

1.2 Scene - Jobs In The Creative & Media Industry

~Questionnaire - Local Scene~ (To Be Asked To Employers At The Venues We Visit)

1)What does your job involve and how long have you worked here?

2)What is the highest position that you can get to work in this company/workplace?

3)What are the different jobs available in your workplace and what branches off it?

4)What skills are most important in general in this workplace and what branches off it?

5)What is the range of the salary, so what is the lowest and highest that you can be paid and which role is it?

6)Is this your final step in your career? If not, what do you plan to do next in the future?
7)Who is your target audience for your products or services?

8 What is the worst part of your job and how many jobs did you have before this one?

9)Would a young person at my age or say in their teens be able to get training here or take part in any other educational programs? If yes, what are they?

10)What was your previous job and was it better or worse than your job right now?

Saturday 10 October 2009

Sunday 13 September 2009

Tuesday 8 September 2009

1.1 Scene - Individual Research on Local Creative & Media Venue (of Choice)

~Brady Arts & Community Centre~

Brady Arts and Community Centre is a centre located in Whitechapel , E1, which provides a wide range of various arts courses and workshops to local residents. Some courses and workshops include dance, music, drama, fashion, music technology, singing, and film. The London Borough of Tower Hamlets Arts and Events Team aim to provide services which are accessible to everyone who lives, works or studies in Tower Hamlets and to promote the use of art as a leisure activity, as a source of employment and training. Brady Arts Centre is home to the L.B.T.H Arts and events service which provides funding information and arts advice.

This centre provides performance space, rooms for meetings and seminars, office space for community projects. It also has a small studio theatre space with state of the art equipment and sprung floor which holds a capacity of 200 people, and a gallery space for small exhibitions. The theatre hosts a number of productions as part of a wider arts programme which includes art exhibitions, youth arts, dance, and film.

Thursday 15 January 2009

1.1 Scene - Visual Arts Venues

~Local Art Galleries~

-Whitechapel Gallery
-Bow Arts Trust
-Nunnery Gallery
-Brady Arts Centre
-Hayward Gallery
-Britain Tate
-Oxford House
-Stratford Theatre
-The Approach Gallery
-CLC Media
-East London Dance
-Circus Media

1.1 Scene - Guides for Visual Arts

~Review of Visual Art Venue/Exhibition Guides~ (What they contain)

Sample Guide 1
-What inspired them
-Aimed at specific audience -adults
-History on artist's life, what they're based on
-Dates, information on events
-Contact details
-Pictures of artist's work
-Paintings can be bought
*Doris Saleedo at Tate Modern
*Doris Hockney at National Portrait Gallery
-Info on artists

Sample Guide 2
-Things you can buy
-Clothing exhibition
-Colourful image on front
-Label of fashion designer -when they started
-Making clothes and where they're from
-Maps -gallery guide, where to find items in the exhibition
*Victoria and Albert -the golden age of couture

Sample Guide 3
-Front cover does not contain any written information
-Picture does not tell you what it's for
-Introduction and photography
-Artist names written on back page
*Tate Modern Fiscelli and Weiss

Sample Guide 4
-Institute of Contemporary Arts -info on back
-In association with (Partnerships)
-Contains sponsors
-Words Only -simple font
-Pictures inside of artwork
-Lots of writing -about individual artists, where they're from, title of their work
-Too many pictures -show whole exhibition
-Back contains gallery exhibition
-Dull, black and white
-Gallery to buy artwork

Sample Guide 5
-Credits on back page for images
-Opening times
-Events page -video/film screenings
-Info on exhibition -how to improve the world
-Meaning behind artists' works
-Where artwork is placed in gallery e.g stairwell, gallery 1 etc