Thursday 29 April 2010

3.1 Artefact - Storyboard of the Making of my Clay Pot/ How to make a Clay Pot Instructions

I have created a very detailed 'How To' to show others how to create a clay pot from scratch, and the best techniques to use when making a clay pot, as well as how to make sure your pot stays intact (not dried out etc), and why cetain techniques or methods are used in the process of making this artefact. a helpful step-to-step guide for people who are inteested in this craft. My big steps, are also broken down into smaller steps to make it even easier for the audience, and labelled diagrams are used to also guide people.

Sunday 25 April 2010

3.1 Artefact - Investigating Artefacts Worksheet

A worksheet about what an artefact is, why they are created, the processes of producing an artefact, the stages of creating and planning an artefact etc. This gives us a broader understanding of the purpose of our artefact and what is expected of our artefact etc.

Friday 23 April 2010

3.1 Artefact - Types Of Clay

Before we could begin making our clay pots by hand, we first had to learn about the different types of clay available, e.g. Fire Clays, Stoneware Clays, Ball Clays, Earthenware Clays, Porcelain Clays etc. Here we learnt how those clays worked to be molded just how you wanted and needed it to, to succeed maximum elasticity, strength, durability and hardness. We found out what sorts of temperatures they had to be placed in the kiln, and be heated at, as well as what clays were suitable for what uses, the characteristics of different clays, and the various classes they were seperated into.

Wednesday 21 April 2010

3.1.1a Artefact - Today's Artefacts Worksheet

We had to look at ordinary artefacts that we use or see daily, and reserach deeper into hand made / man made artefacts and machine made artefacts, as well as expressing our opinion on what type of artefact we preffered: hand made/ man made, or machine made.

Monday 19 April 2010

3.1 Artefact - Comparing two Types of Pots

A simple Ven diagram expressing the similarities and differences of both pots on the page. This helped us think fo the features we wanted on our pot, as well as helping us plan the shape, form, style, colour, patterns etc of our clay pot.

Saturday 17 April 2010

3.1.1 Artefact - Go Back In Time Worksheet 1 - Processes & Planning of How to Produce Artefacts

This sheet was used to help us when planning the production of our artefact. We had to plan the creation and production of an ordinary object we use daily, and show all the steps leading to the production of it, including a list of all the materials and equipment used, health and safety meaures etc. We learnt a little here about the Industrial Revolution, and researched about how the production and purpose of artefacts we use daily, have changed over large periods of time etc.